Study Guide

Test Design and Framework

The test design below describes general assessment information. The framework that follows is a detailed outline that explains the knowledge and skills that this test measures.

Test Design

Format Computer-based test (CBT) and online-proctored test
Number of Questions 80 multiple-choice questions, 2 written assignments
Time* 3 hours, 15 minutes
Passing Score 220

*Does not include 15-minute tutorial

Test Framework


Content Domain Range of Competencies Approximate Percentage of Test Score
I. Visionary Leadership, Culture of Learning, and the Instructional Program 0001–0004 38%
II. Organizational Management, Collaboration with Stakeholders, and Educational Contexts 0005–0009 32%
III. Planning for Improved Student Success 0010 15%
IV. School District Data Assignment 0011 15%

Domain I–Visionary Leadership, Culture of Learning, and the Instructional Program

Competency 0001–Understand how to facilitate the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a district vision of success for all students that is shared and supported by the school community.

For example:

Competency 0002–Understand how to create and sustain a positive culture of learning and learning environments that promote excellence and equity for all students.

For example:

Competency 0003–Understand how to promote effective instructional programs that apply research-supported best practices in instruction and assessment to foster academic success for all students.

For example:

Competency 0004–Understand how to ensure the creation of professional development opportunities and comprehensive professional growth plans that are aligned to the district's comprehensive school improvement plan, support school improvement, and promote learning for all students.

For example:

Domain II–Organizational Management, Collaboration with Stakeholders, and Educational Contexts

Competency 0005–Understand organizational and operational management, including relevant structures, policies, and procedures, and their use in ensuring safe, efficient, and effective learning environments and supporting the district's vision and goals.

For example:

Competency 0006–Understand human, fiscal, and material resource management that is effective, legal, equitable, and aligned and supports attainment of the district's vision and goals.

For example:

Competency 0007–Understand how to communicate and collaborate with parents/guardians and other district stakeholders, respond to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilize community resources to support and positively affect learning.

For example:

Competency 0008–Understand the personal and professional responsibilities of superintendents, including legal and ethical principles and practices.

For example:

Competency 0009–Understand the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural contexts of education and how to respond to and influence these contexts to achieve the district's vision and goals and promote learning for all students.

For example:

Domain III–Planning for Improved Student Success

Competency 0010–Prepare a response in which you discuss steps you would take in developing a plan to address a specified district issue related to student learning.

Domain IV–School District Data Assignment

Competency 0011–Prepare a response in which you analyze student achievement data for a particular school district and describe how you would address an issue shown in the data.