Study Guide
World Languages: French
Sample Writing and Speaking Assignments
This section contains:
- Directions for the writing assignment
- A sample writing assignment and sample strong response
- Performance characteristics and scoring scale for the writing assignment
- Directions for the speaking assignment
- A sample speaking assignment and characteristics of a strong response
- Performance characteristics and scoring scale for the speaking assignment
Directions for the Presentational Writing Assignment
This section of the test consists of one constructed-response assignment to which you must respond in the target language. For the assignment in this section, you are to prepare a written response on the assigned topic. You should use your time to plan, write, review, and edit your response for the assignment.
Read the assignment carefully and think about how you will organize your response before you begin to type.
Please note that special characters (such as letters with accents or other diacritical marks) cannot be entered using the keyboard but are available for insertion in the on-screen response box. To access these characters, click on the button that appears in the upper left corner of the screen. Using the mouse, click on the character you wish to include in your response and then select "Insert." The character will be inserted where the cursor is positioned in the response box.
Your score will depend on the extent to which you effectively communicate a whole message, in the target language, to the specified audience for the stated purpose. You will be assessed on your ability to express, organize, and support opinions and ideas, not on the position you take. Your response to the assignment will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- Purpose: The extent to which the response fulfills the assignment and is appropriate for the intended audience
- Organization and Coherence: The extent to which ideas are effectively sequenced and logically connected
- Development: The extent to which ideas are developed with relevant supporting details
- Syntax and Grammar: The extent to which the response exhibits a command of syntax and grammar
- Vocabulary: The extent to which the response demonstrates a command and range of vocabulary and idiomatic expressions
- Mechanics: The extent to which the response demonstrates accuracy of spelling, diacritical marks, and punctuation
You are to prepare a written response of approximately 300–400 words, for the assignment. Be sure to write about the assigned topic. You may not use any reference materials. Your response must be your original work, written in your own words, and not copied or paraphrased from some other work. Remember to review what you have written to ensure that you address all aspects of each assignment and make any changes you think will improve your response.
Sample Presentational Writing Assignment
Competency 0009
In response to a prompt, demonstrate the ability to construct a coherent, well-developed passage in the target language that effectively communicates a message.
Complete the exercise that follows.
For an audience of educators, write an essay of 300–400 words in French in which you provide your opinion on whether secondary-level students should attend school year-round. In your response, you must include, but are not limited to, the following:
- your opinion on the topic; and
- an explanation of reasons, evidence, or experience that supports your opinion.
Sample Strong Response to the Writing Assignment
Prolonger l'année scolaire des lycéens, voilà une proposition qui mérite réflexion. Beaucoup de gens sont de l'avis que cette situation aurait de nombreux avantages. Par exemple, les lycéens auraient un horaire hebdomadaire plus structuré. Les parents qui travaillent n'auraient pas à s'inquiéter pour leurs enfants puisque ceux-ci seraient presque toujours en classe. Et quant aux enseignants, ils auraient plus de temps pour couvrir tout le programme scolaire. Ces avantages sont peu négligeables mais je crois pour ma part, qu'ils ne pèsent pas assez lourd face aux inconvénients que pourrait apporter une telle situation pour les jeunes.
La période des grandes vacances est, à mon avis, tout aussi importante pour l'apprentissage de la vie que le temps passé en classe. Pendant les vacances, les jeunes peuvent apprendre à faire des choix et à gérer leur temps. Si les choix manquent, c'est peut-être que les municipalités, les communautés et les parents devraient prévoir des activités pour les jeunes qui leur permettraient d'élargir leurs horizons. Les jeunes ont tous besoin de cet espace plein de spontanéité pour développer leur personnalité, découvrir leurs goûts, vivre des expériences hors du contexte du lycée et devenir les adultes accomplis et indépendants que nous espérons qu'ils seront. C'est pourquoi je crois fermement qu'avant de prendre la décision de prolonger l'année scolaire des lycéens, il est impératif de considérer quels seraient les vrais avantages pour les jeunes et quel serait l'impact d'avoir moins de temps libre sur leur épanouissement.
Quand j'étais adolescente, j'adorais la rentrée des classes. J'avais passé deux mois à faire des petits boulots, à voir mes cousins, à faire du théâtre et à lire le plus de romans possible. La rentrée, c'était l'odeur des cahiers et des manuels, c'était revoir les copains, c'était un horaire plus strict. Mais déjà au mois de janvier, je rêvais aux grandes vacances que j'attendais avec impatience. Le dernier jour de l'année scolaire, quel bonheur, l'été et la liberté étaient enfin à moi. Aujourd'hui, j'ai la chance de faire un travail que j'aime mais c'est toujours avec beaucoup d'impatience et de plaisir anticipé que j'attends mes vacances, cette période ludique pendant laquelle je fais ce qui me plaît. Ce bonheur, je souhaite à mes enfants et à tous les jeunes de le vivre pleinement chaque année.
Rationale for the Sample Strong Response to the Writing Assignment
Purpose: The response thoroughly fulfills the purpose of the assignment by giving the writer's opinion on whether secondary students should attend school year round, as well as reasons and personal experience supporting that opinion.
Organization and Coherence: The text is well organized and the ideas are logically connected. The writer begins by acknowledging that this proposition merits reflection, and cites various reasons some believe this model would be advantageous, such as students having a more structured schedule and teachers having the ability to cover the whole educational program.
Development: Note how the writer, at the end of the first paragraph, does not discount the advantages of year-round education, but still proceeds in the following well-developed paragraphs to effectively express an opposing view.
Syntax and Grammar: The response exhibits a comprehensive command of syntax and grammar.
Vocabulary: The response demonstrates a command of vocabulary ("épanouissement," "ludique") and idiomatic expressions (e.g., "la rentrée des classes," "grandes vacances").
Mechanics: Spelling, punctuation, and the use of diacritical marks are accurate throughout.
Performance Characteristics for the Presentational Writing Assignment
Responses are scored holistically according to the following performance characteristics:
Purpose | The extent to which the response fulfills the assignment and is appropriate for the intended audience |
Organization and Coherence | The extent to which ideas are effectively sequenced and logically connected |
Development | The extent to which ideas are developed with relevant supporting details |
Syntax and Grammar | The extent to which the response exhibits a command of syntax and grammar |
Vocabulary | The extent to which the response demonstrates a command and range of vocabulary and idiomatic expressions |
Mechanics | The extent to which the response demonstrates accuracy of spelling, diacritical marks, and punctuation |
Scoring Scale for the Presentational Writing Assignment
The four points of the scoring scale correspond to varying degrees of performance.
Score Point | Score Point Description |
4 |
The "4" response reflects a thorough understanding of relevant knowledge and skills.
3 | The "3" response reflects a general understanding of relevant knowledge and skills.
2 | The "2" response reflects a limited understanding of relevant knowledge and skills.
1 | The "1" response reflects little understanding of relevant knowledge and skills.
U | The response is unrelated to the assignment, is unreadable, is not written in the target language, or does not contain a sufficient amount of original work to score. |
B | There is no response to the assignment. |
Directions for the Presentational Speaking Assignment
For this section of the test you will record a spoken response to the assignment that will be presented on the screen. You will have two minutes to read the assignment presented on the screen and consider your response. You will then have two minutes to record your response by speaking into a microphone. Your response must be in the target language. Once recording has begun, it cannot be stopped, nor can you re-record your response.
What you say must be relevant to the situation presented in the assignment. Your response will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- Purpose: The extent to which the response is appropriate and fulfills the assignment through the use of well-developed ideas
- Organization and Coherence: The extent to which ideas are effectively sequenced and logically connected
- Syntax and Grammar: The extent to which the response exhibits a command of syntax and grammar
- Vocabulary: The extent to which the response demonstrates a command and range of vocabulary and idiomatic expressions
- Fluency: The extent to which the response demonstrates the ability to maintain a steady rate and appropriate pace of speech without unnecessary hesitations or pauses
- Pronunciation: The extent to which the response demonstrates intelligibility and accuracy of pronunciation
The speaking assignment and a Recorded Answer box will appear on the next screen. A sample of the Recorded Answer box appears below.
When you are ready, click Next and begin reading the assignment. The Recorded Answer box will count down the time until recording begins. You will have 2 minutes to review the assignment and prepare your response. Be sure not to begin speaking until the status on the Recorded Answer box changes to read the number of seconds remaining.
You will then have 2 minutes to complete your response in the target language. You can monitor your time remaining by referring to the Recorded Answer box. The time will count down from 120 seconds (2 minutes) and the status bar will fill as time progresses.
When your time is up, the current status on the Recorded Answer box will change to "completed" indicating the conclusion of the speaking section of the test. Once the status in the Recorded Answer box changes to "completed," select the Next button to continue with the remainder of the test. Do not click Next until you have finished recording your response.
You will have only ONE opportunity to record your response. Select the Next button when you have finished reading these directions and are ready to begin the presentational speaking section of the test. Be sure you have your headset on and that the microphone is in a downward position near your mouth before proceeding. Once you select the Next button, the timed speaking assignment will begin and you WILL NOT be able to return to these directions.
Sample Presentational Speaking Assignment
Competency 0010
In response to a prompt, demonstrate the ability to deliver coherent, well-developed discourse in the target language that effectively communicates a message.
Read the assignment below. You will have 2 minutes to review the assignment and prepare your response and then up to 2 minutes to respond to the assignment. Begin speaking in French when the current status on the Recorded Answer box automatically changes to "time remaining." Monitor your preparation and recording time by referring to the Recorded Answer box. Begin reviewing the assignment now.
Imagine that you have been asked to give a presentation in French to a group of educators about a past experience you have had in which you attended a cultural event such as a concert or art exhibit. Speaking in French, discuss your experience. In your presentation, you must include, but are not limited to, the following:
- a narrative of an experience in which you attended a cultural event; and
- an explanation of how this experience affected you.
Characteristics of a Strong Response to the Speaking Assignment
A strong response to the presentational speaking assignment would develop the topic by elaboration of specific points. The response would be delivered in a consistently clear manner. The speaker would speak fluently, demonstrating control of syntax and grammar. The speaker's vocabulary would show mastery of a broad vocabulary including appropriate idiomatic expressions. The speaker would handle simple and complex linguistic constructions, avoiding errors that interfere with communication. The speaker would exhibit good to excellent pronunciation and intonation.
Performance Characteristics for the Presentational Speaking Assignment
Responses are scored holistically according to the following performance characteristics:
Purpose | The extent to which the response is appropriate and fulfills the assignment through the use of well-developed ideas |
Organization and Coherence | The extent to which ideas are effectively sequenced and logically connected |
Syntax and Grammar | The extent to which the response exhibits a command of syntax and grammar |
Vocabulary | The extent to which the response demonstrates a command and range of vocabulary and idiomatic expressions |
Fluency | The extent to which the response demonstrates the ability to maintain a steady rate and appropriate pace of speech without unnecessary hesitations or pauses |
Pronunciation | The extent to which the response demonstrates intelligibility and accuracy of pronunciation |
Scoring Scale for the Presentational Speaking Assignment
The four points of the scoring scale correspond to varying degrees of performance.
Score Point | Score Point Description |
4 |
The "4" response reflects a thorough understanding of relevant knowledge and skills.
3 | The "3" response reflects a general understanding of relevant knowledge and skills.
2 | The "2" response reflects a limited understanding of relevant knowledge and skills.
1 | The "1" response reflects little understanding of relevant knowledge and skills.
U | The response is unrelated to the assignment, is inaudible/incomprehensible, is not spoken in the target language, or does not contain a sufficient amount of original work to score. |
B | There is no response to the assignment. |