Study Guide

MoGEA Test Design and Framework

The test design below describes general assessment information. The framework that follows is a detailed outline that explains the knowledge and skills that this test measures.

Test Design

Format Internet-based test (IBT)
Number of Questions
  • English Language Arts: 40 multiple-choice questions
  • Mathematics: 40 multiple-choice questions
  • Science: 40 multiple-choice questions
  • Social Studies: 40 multiple-choice questions
  • Writing: 1 written assignment
Time Five hours for all five subtests;
One hour for a single subtest
Passing Score To be set by Missouri DESE; examinees must pass all five subtests.

Test Framework


Field 001: English Language Arts

Competency Approximate Percentage of Test Score
0001 Comprehension and Analysis of Text 25%
0002 Informational and Persuasive Text 25%
0003 Literary Text 25%
0004 Oral Communication and Public Speaking 25%
Competency 0001–Demonstrate the ability to comprehend, interpret, and analyze text from a variety of styles and genres.

For example:

Competency 0002–Demonstrate the ability to use critical reasoning skills to evaluate an informational or persuasive text.

For example:

Competency 0003–Demonstrate the ability to use critical reasoning skills to evaluate literary text from a variety of cultures and time periods.

For example:

Competency 0004–Demonstrate understanding of effective oral communication and public speaking skills.

For example:

Field 002: Writing

Competency Approximate Percentage of Test Score
0005 Writing Assignment 100%
Competency 0005–Produce a clear and coherent written composition in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

For example:

Field 003: Mathematics

Competency Approximate Percentage of Test Score
0006 Numbers and Algebra 50%
0007 Measurement and Geometry 25%
0008 Probability and Statistics 25%
Competency 0006–Understand numbers and algebra.

For example:

Competency 0007–Understand measurement and geometry.

For example:

Competency 0008–Understand probability and statistics.

For example:

Field 004: Science

Competency Approximate Percentage of Test Score
0009 The Nature and Practice of Science 38%
0010 Biology and Chemistry 31%
0011 Physics, Geology, and Astronomy 31%
Competency 0009–Understand the nature and practice of science.

For example:

Competency 0010–Understand the fundamental concepts, principles, and theories of biology and chemistry.

For example:

Competency 0011–Understand the fundamental concepts, principles, and theories of physics, geology, and astronomy.

For example:

Field 005: Social Studies

Competency Approximate Percentage of Test Score
0012 Inquiry and Literacy Skills 38%
0013 History, Geography, Culture, and Society 31%
0014 Government, Civics, and Economics 31%
Competency 0012–Apply inquiry and literacy skills in the social sciences.

For example:

Competency 0013–Understand major developments and significant features of world and U.S. history, geography, culture, and society.

For example:

Competency 0014–Understand primary features, central concepts, and basic operations of the world's political and economic systems and the principles of American citizenship.

For example: