Study Guide

Building-Level Administrator
Test Design and Framework

The test design below describes general assessment information. The framework that follows is a detailed outline that explains the knowledge and skills that this test measures.

Test Design

Format Computer-based test (CBT) and online-proctored test
Number of Questions 100 multiple-choice questions
Time* 3 hours and 15 minutes
Passing Score 220

*Does not include 15-minute tutorial

Test Framework


Content Domain Range of Competencies Approximate Percentage of Test Score
I. Visionary Leadership 0001 10%
II. Instructional Leadership 0002–0004 30%
III. Managerial Leadership 0005–0007 30%
IV. Relational Leadership 0008–0009 20%
V. Innovative Leadership 0010 10%

Domain I–Visionary Leadership

Competency 0001–Understand how to develop and implement a vision for the school to guide the learning of all students and promote continuous school improvement.

For example:

Domain II–Instructional Leadership

Competency 0002–Understand how to ensure a guaranteed and viable curriculum, recognize effective instructional practice, and coordinate the use of effective assessments.

For example:

Competency 0003–Understand how to promote ongoing professional learning for school faculty and staff.

For example:

Competency 0004–Understand how to create and sustain a positive school culture and equitable learning environment that promote success for all students, including legal requirements related to school administration.

For example:

Domain III–Managerial Leadership

Competency 0005–Understand how to implement operational systems, including policies and procedures for ensuring a safe, functional school environment.

For example:

Competency 0006–Understand how to oversee personnel, including strategies for supervising, observing, and coaching teachers.

For example:

Competency 0007–Understand how to ensure equitable and strategic use of fiscal and non-fiscal school resources.

For example:

Domain IV–Relational Leadership

Competency 0008–Understand how to interact professionally and develop positive, supportive relationships with students and school staff.

For example:

Competency 0009–Understand how to interact professionally and build positive relationships with parents/guardians and other stakeholders in the community.

For example:

Domain V–Innovative Leadership

Competency 0010–Understand how to continue personal professional growth, actively engage in reflective practice, and apply new knowledge and understanding to drive appropriate change.

For example: